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Star Wars BATTLEFRONT II Remaster



Thank you for installing Improved Sides 2 + Skin Changer modification for Battlefront 2. Hope this FAQ helps you out!


Firstly, you need to know Improved Sides is a side mod. That means the modified files replace the original game files that are located in the side folder:  "...\Star Wars - Battlefront 2\GameData\data\_lvl_pc\side". The same installation process is required for the updated First Person Models, also known as FPM. Replace the original files in "...\Star Wars - Battlefront 2\GameData\data\_lvl_pc\fpm"
If you need help installing the sides you should check out Masterchief's video tutorial.
The skin changer on the other hand requires a script. Scripts are introduced with 1.3 patch and this patch is a requirement for ISM2 and for other mods. After installing 1.3 patch, place our scripts (custom_gc_1 and user_script_9 .lvl files included in the zipped folder) in _lvl_pc folder: "...\Star Wars - Battlefront 2\GameData\data\_lvl_pc"

The main objective for this mod was to replace the original models with the best looking models we could find, which we edited, retextured with HD textures and improved as much as we could. We tried to keep the essence of the game, mostly, except maybe for the clones. We thought mixed legions didn't resemble the movies and used 501st as the base Legion. The movies (OT and PT) were our greater inspiration for Improved Sides.

Let's start with the rebels. We felt the Rebellion needed more alien
species, so we decided to add a Twilek sniper and a Sullustan
Engineer. Now if you prefer a more classic roster you can change
those classes and customize your troops using the skin changer.
- When the first word is a faction, in this case Rebels, that
means the command will affect the entire roster.
- When the first word is a unit class, (Soldier, Heavy, Engineer, Sniper)

the command will only affect that unit class.

For instance, if you wanted to play as the Tantive IV soldiers but
replacing the sniper for a twilek you would have to click Rebels:Fleet
first and after that click  Sniper:Twilek. You only have to click the
options once.

HOW TO ENABLE AUTO-LEGIONS  ( by Calrissian97 )                                       > DOWNLOAD AUTO LEGIONS ADDON

Extract the txt files to the data/_lvl_pc/SIDE/ folder. Then whenever you want to make a skin "always on", remove the 1 from the file name. To revert the changes just re-add the 1 to the filename.
We may improve it so this is easier and text files wont be necessary all the time. A little explanation for AutoLegions.txt option. What it does is set it so that the most fitting clone legion or skin is enabled depending on the map you're playing on.

BattlefrontII 2019-12-11 21-13-12.png

 BF1 Model                       BF2 Model         BF3 Model used in ISM2

BattlefrontII 2019-12-11 21-13-32.png

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Star Wars Battlefront 2 Remaster Official Site

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