• Where can I download the latest version?
Here you will find all the mods I've ever released. If what you seek is not there it's either an unreleased mod
or a current WIP ( work in progress ):
• Does your Graphics Mod add new models, laser projectiles, textures, etc.?
No, this should be very clear. What it does is adding "shaders" / post processing the game. it's something modern games use, and it works like an Instagram filter... the photo/source material is the same you only post process it. So if you use my mod but you have the vanilla version of the game it won't look like my screenshots. I use various mods along with mine which alter models, fx and more. For troopers and vehicles you need to install SIDE mods, which add new units, weapons and replace other models as well.
• Is your Graphics Mod compatible with [X] Battlefront II mod?
I just told you it doesn't add anything to the game files, so YES. This mod is an external post processing tool that doesn't involve the game files. The only thing that can happen is, for example; you downloaded a mod where the developer exagerated saturation or lighting which will later be enhanced by the graphics mod. My graphics mod may look bad with that particular mod/map or whatever. In that case you can always turn my mod off.
• Help, when I use your Graphics Mod I see [X] on my screen! (X= cubes, colours, graphic errors, etc.) +More Info
Check if your graphics card is compatible with Reshade, this never happened to me so I have no idea what's wrong. The mod has thousands of downloads and less than a hundred error reportings so in proportion, you are an exceptional case. Many users report this kind of problems with Laptop GPUs and AMD videocards. I had this problems when I used AMD.
• Help, when I use your Graphics Mod my game crashes! / X map crashes with the Graphics Mod!
I just told you it doesn't add anything to the game files, so check if your graphics card is compatible with Reshade, this never happened to me so I have no idea what's wrong. Check for the usual suspects; over-heating, too many mods in SWBF, updating the game to 1.3 version, etc.
• Why do I have to turn the game's Anti Aliasing OFF to use the Graphics Mod?
Because I made this mod and I'm telling you to do it. If you want an explanation, basically the mod has better AA so if you use the game AA it will deactivate my AA. Trust me on this one.
• Ok, but how do I turn it off? / What exactly do I have to turn off?
Go to video options and turn Anti Aliasing OFF. I advise you to set Brightness and Contrast to default 50. All other options in High.

• What's a Rezzed Map? Why do you constantly recommend them?
They are HD resolution maps, generally this means improved versions of the default maps. The game was made a in 2005 and the texture quality was made for less powerful machines , so the rezzed textures make the maps look good with higher resolutions in today's computers. All my rezzed maps and custom HD maps can be found here:
• Can you release the next WIP faster / Is there a way to support the mod?
I work on all this mod projects whenever I can, but it's complicated because it takes a lot of time that usually I don't have (I make progress mostly in the weekends or days-off). If you want to support the mod, you can collaborate with a donation (at the bottom of this site) or you can check my Patreon site where you can:
Access to patron-only content
Sneak peek photos of upcoming releases
Access to patron-only closed betas
• How can I contact you? I won't ask you any questions about the mod I promise.
Ok... I trust you won't send me silly questions about your errors and troubleshootings, especially after this extensive FAQ section. I'll be happy to receive your message. I'll answer as soon as possible: